I need help getting a related data set (maybe with the EXTENDED TAKEOFF DETAIL join table where I am having the trouble) where a row from the TAKEOFF DATA that stores an IDf_BUILD, needs to relate to one or many rows of IDf_BUILDDETAIL which are children of IDf_BUILD. Here’s a run down.

A BUILD has one or many BUILD DETAILS with BUILD PARTS. A BUILD is a repeatable construction entity at one or many LOCATIONS with various QUANTITIES, so I create BUILD, QUANTITY and LOCATION data in a TAKEOFF DATA row. A TAKEOFF is one or many BUILD and QUANTITY data rows taken from a project’s blueprint based on LOCATIONS that comprise the TAKEOFF DATA. (e.g. 100 feet of 2×4-9′ tall exterior wall at the first floor wall framing) I need to know how many parts to deliver per location for production efficiency, so I need an EXTENDED TAKEOFF DETAIL table to get the TAKEOFF DATA:: IDf_BUILD, IDf_LOCATION and QUANTITY and relate each of these row’s data to the related BUILD’s one or many BUILD DETAILS which include related BUILD PARTS and PART RATES to be calculated with the TAKEOFF DATA’S QUANTITY. I believe my Table Occurrence Graph below reflects the relationships as stated here. I am struggling with the join and how to find the related data set of ID_TAKEOFFDATA::IDf_BUILD and the one or many related ID_BUILD::IDf_BUILDDETAIL(S). At the EXTENDED TAKEOFF DETAIL each ID_TAKEOFFDATA::IDf_BUILD may have one or many rows as it relates to all the ID_BUILD::IDf_BUILDDETAIL. I have the FileMaker file created but was having trouble uploading. Your help is deeply appreciated!

TOG with Ext Takeoff Join.png

A few more notes: The takeoff data is completed as a set before it needs to be related to the build details, so we can get the detail data with one process. Also, this may be transactional data so the takeoff data may „reference“ the detail data to create a new EXTENDED TAKEOFF DETAIL data set at creation as well as with updates.

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