I am not missing something obvious am I?
I want to do two things:
– reference a hosted filemaker database dynamically in the script step „open file“ (https://www.filemaker.com/help/15/fm…n-file.html%23)
– reference a privilege set dynamically in the script step „add account“ (https://www.filemaker.com/help/15/fm…ccount.html%23)
I want to do two things:
– reference a hosted filemaker database dynamically in the script step „open file“ (https://www.filemaker.com/help/15/fm…n-file.html%23)
– reference a privilege set dynamically in the script step „add account“ (https://www.filemaker.com/help/15/fm…ccount.html%23)
neither can be done, can they? but would spare me lots of ugly if-else if sequences in scripts. meh. now where’s that feature request button?
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