Ultimate JSON Part 1

Ultimate JSON Part 1

If you're developing in FileMaker and haven't invested time in learning and using JSON, you're at a significant disadvantage. JSON is not difficult to learn, and it's used in so many areas of modern development that it's crucial to get familiar with it if you haven't...
Leveraging Inspector Pro 8

Leveraging Inspector Pro 8

InspectorPro 8 offered by Beezwax, and created by Vincenzo Menanno and Brendan Pierce takes advantage of the newer Save a Copy As XML feature of FileMaker. This new version of the "Enhanced DDR" provides great insights into team development and the growth and changes...

Safer Global Variables

Over the years, I've met a wide range of developers. Just like the variety of clothing styles you'll see at any popular concert, there are potentially just as many different programming styles. The usefulness, however, of development standards is equivalent to the...

Render Fields

One of FileMaker's most advantageous tools added in recent years is the Button Bar. It was the first way to present dynamic, calculated content directly on the screen. This removed the need for the decades-long practice of adding "yet another unstored calculation...

Leveraging Script Triggers

FileMaker's script triggers can be problematic if you don't properly test and debug the user interaction flow. Some developers, perhaps even yourself, avoid script triggers for this reason. However, script triggers can be incredibly useful. Unlike JavaScript in the...