Ultimate JSON Part 2

Ultimate JSON Part 2

The first and most common way you’ll likely use JSON within your FileMaker solution – should you choose to adopt it for this purpose – is as your primary method for passing script parameters. If you haven’t done so yet, it is highly recommended that...

UI Tweaks & Maintenance

Designing layouts in FileMaker is one of my favorite aspects of the platform. The ability to simply drag and position elements exactly where you want them feels akin to being a painter, free to use any tools and materials you choose. FileMaker strikes a remarkable...

Learning Webhooks via Google Forms

Capturing external data directly into FileMaker has always been a bit of challenge due to the variety of technologies required to set everything up. In the past, XML and PHP were commonly used, taking advantage of direct integrations available in FileMaker Server....

Coding Efficiency

One of the great things about being a developer is finding flow. It’s that feeling when you’re cranking out code, accomplishing one task after another, and time seems to fade into the background – you’re in the zone. However, a few things can really disrupt your...
Using Color Effectively

Using Color Effectively

When incorporating graphic design into your FileMaker solution, you might either be the sole designer or collaborate with someone to enhance the user experience. Regardless of your role, it’s always beneficial to understand how to effectively use colors within...