For the life of me, I don't know what has changed, but my personal development machine (Win 7 Pro) will no long display my configured WebDirect solutions from my production FMS machine. FMS is the latest 15.03 release, running on a Server 2012 VM. The error message I see on the WebDirect home page says something like "Could not initialize JavaScriptConnector because no JavaScript init function was found".

I've completely uninstalled Chrome, and then reinstalled - no change.
The very same copy of Chrome works and displays the similar solutions I have running on my Dev server, which seemingly vindicates the copy of Chrome. I've used this machine and Chrome to display WebDirect Filemaker solutions for years.

Firefox & IE both work without an issue - only Chrome is choking.

Has anyone on the list happened on a similar situation? Any advice to restore functionality?


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