von marcel | Mai 24, 2022 | FM Blog
Portals can be used for essentially two different functions. Either data presentation or interaction. Of course, as you already know, you can also use a portal for both aspects of presentation and interaction as the same time. In this video, we continue the growth of... von marcel | Mai 14, 2022 | FM Blog
Any FileMaker solution is a growing collection of stuff to be maintained. By the nature of development, some things will be replaced leaving some aspects to be abandoned and others to be lifted up by revitalizing them. Regardless of what goes and what stays,... von marcel | Mai 7, 2022 | FM Blog
Designing within FileMaker can either be pretty easy or somewhat hard. There’s no exact way to design the look and feel of your solution, but the process of implementing the design can be easier when using FileMaker’s grid. In this video, I talk about the...
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