Touring FileMaker's Inspector Palette

If you’re new to FileMaker, or even an old hat at FileMaker development, then it’s always nice to understand how to use your own tools. In this video, I start the process of walking through the standard Inspector palette. By taking a bit of time to understand each of...

Send mail via outlook

When using the send mail step all im doing is sending basic text formatted in a set variable like below and sending to to MacMail to further modify before sendings the formatting looks great in MacMail but in Outlook is all unformatted and jumbled together. This is...

Copy & Paste Portal Rows

There’s an addictive quality to solving problems within FileMaker. Especially, when you wire things up to the user interface. Click the button, and what would have taken many times longer, is shortened into a few milliseconds of time. It quite literally feels like...

Nested Loop

Hi everyone I’ve got a big problem. I’ve made a database for dietitian, composed by – table: Patients – Table: Diets – Table: Days – Table: Meals – Table: join_meal_food – Table: foods Each patients has got multiple diets each diet...

Custom Function Database – Part 9

Heading back into our series on the Custom Function database, there’s always an opportunity to explore yet another area of using FileMaker to create solid solutions. This video focuses on the fact that we’re storing canonical data which we want to leverage, yet not...