Custom Function Database – Part 4

When you know just a little part of how FileMaker works under the hood, you can come up with creative solutions to everyday problems. Take web services as an example. They use defined structures such as XML and JSON. And, when you consider that you’re using this third...

Image attributes are missing in WebDirect

Greetings all. I have a particular need to provide a platform-agnostic image capture facility on smartphones/tablets. Subsequently this solution will need to be performed via WebDirect to enable Android users to participate. My solution MUST capture GPS co-ordinates....

Related Data Set Troubles

I need help getting a related data set (maybe with the EXTENDED TAKEOFF DETAIL join table where I am having the trouble) where a row from the TAKEOFF DATA that stores an IDf_BUILD, needs to relate to one or many rows of IDf_BUILDDETAIL which are children of IDf_BUILD....

Help creating a database with a menu to search by category

Hi there, I am in the process of helping an artist create a database of some of his work but mostly of other material such as exhibition catalogues, essays, project proposals etc. I'm very new to File Maker but I think it's the right program for the job. So far I...

converting a text field containing month and year to a date

long story short i have a data base i am building and need some advise . the old data file is from filemaker 4 (yes fm4) and when it was built the person put the expire date for credit card in i a text field with the contents mm/yy. now when i try to convert that data...